
    International Abba Ministries was founded by Jack Henley in the midst of pain, miracles, chaos, signs, and wonders; in true Kingdom fashion of joy mixed up together with suffering.  From there a wild journey began of drug addicts being converted into preachers, the sick being healed, and the Lord giving people dreams (which began in 2014 and carries on to the time of writing in 2021) to donate houses, land, and finances for the ministry.
    I.A.M. transitioned from one man doing street ministry and going on missions trips into raising up drug addicts through discipleship homes and sending them out to do the work of the Lord and to preach His Glorious Gospel.  Today we have 3 base locations in 3 states across the southeast US.  Several of our leaders are alumni that now have thriving personal lives, are on fire for Jesus after years of sobriety and ministry, sit on our governing board here at I.A.M., and partake in the daily mission of our unique base operations.  Our work stretches across three US states and 2 nations to include but not limited to: preaching/teaching the Glorious Gospel, housing homeless men, creating family for teenagers in foster, mentoring adult and youth drug addicts, mentoring pastors, mentoring/supporting missionaries, financing youth in other nations (Africa & South America) all to bring about adoption into sonship through the atoning Blood of Jesus, to whom we owe everything.
Governing Board:
Mark Von Allmen
Dorothy Murray
Zack Von Allmen
Jacob Billingsley
Jack Henley